
Review: What Color Is Monday? By Carrie Cariello

For the past few years, I have been following author Carrie Cariello on Facebook. While she has quite the way with words and explanation of how autism affects her, her son Jack and her entire family. She has an engagement on her page of nearly 10,000 and along with a subscriber section to her Facebook… Continue reading Review: What Color Is Monday? By Carrie Cariello


Review: “In A Different Key”

A mother tracks down the first person ever diagnosed with autism, now an elderly man living in rural Mississippi, to learn if his life story holds promise for her own autistic son. Her journey exposes a startling record of cruelty and kindness alike, framed by forces like race, money and privilege – but leads to hope that more communities are learning to have the backs of people on the spectrum.

WPC Virtual Background of Laurel Ridge State Park

Book Review: Coping With Coronavirus – How to Stay Calm and Protect Your Mental Health (by Dr. Brendan Kelly)

These are certainly challenging, unprecedented times. Allow pre-eminent psychiatrist Dr. Brendan Kelly to help you understand and cope with the unique stresses of today, as we all try to deal with the threat of COVID-19 within our homes, communities and throughout the world.

Product Reviews, Reviews

Book Review: Uncommon Sense: An Autistic Journey by Adam Mardero

Adam Mardero is a person who lives with autism and works to further the cause of acceptance of autism and neurodiversity acceptance. He has earned a master’s degree in history as well as a bachelor of education. This book is a fascinating and frankly inspiring account of his own journey to achieve understanding and acceptance of his condition.


Book Review: Happy, Positive, and Confiedent Sex for Adults on the Autism Spectrum…and beyond! by Michael John Carley

NOTE: I want to disclose that this review is for either Adults on Autism Spectrum as the book intended or for those aiding such individuals in this aspect. For some, this may be too much to digest for their ASD person and that is OK, however I feel it is in good interest that this book is a important tool for this often taboo subject in individuals on the spectrum.

Reviews, Sexuality

Book Review: Autism, Sexuality and My Brain

This quick Kindle read takes the reader on the course of a young man who battles his autistic desires for the feel the female skin, but receives many shortcomings based on the inability to know the social construct that becomes unknown to many on the autism spectrum face. The author also explains him being homophobically bullied because he did not associate with a female aquantience in school growing up and the trauma it caused.