Robb McCray Bridge at Daybreak in 2019
Open Topic, Sleep

It Can Wait

It can wait. Three simple words for over three years were hard to digest. As an autistic person, I experience the common traits of having a mind that is at times in constant overdrive. For two decades, I have been prescribed medication to help wind the brain down for the day and for other symptoms (irritability, aggression, etc.) that are used to help behaviors associated with autism. However, for the past three years, I continually flaunted disaster by skipping doses of this medicine because of my overdrive.

Healthy Lifestyle, Wellness

Wellness Wednesday: Need More Than Want

As promised in Monday’s Adulting Post, I would specify greater with the need to have foods that I can control, rather than want to do it. While it can be hard to reprogram a body to learn new habits, it gets to the point that you realize that is more needed than wanted.


NDEAM: Recognize the Needs of ALL, especially Disabled Workers in the Workplace

Contrary to popular belief, Autistic People want to work, fairly and equally. We oftentimes can show our struggles or deficits more than our talents. Also those with marginal, and other barriers to employment face constant roadblocks to be a contribution to society not as a backstage piece, but one who is seen in the community and is recognized for their efforts.

Breakfast 2021
Adulting, Healthy Lifestyle, Independence

Adulting: The Know How of Surviving

When an autistic person or anyone with a disability moves out on their own, many times, they rely on the assistance of community help. Sometimes items in the supplement can contain food that doesn’t have directions for preparation of that item. This can make an autistic person or anyone who lacks such skills of preparing foods that should be known very confusing,

Housng Complex of Patch Houses
Independence, Open Topic

A Clean Home is A Happy Home

Somewhere, I can’t find the actual credit for this weeks’ feature blog post, but I truly believe that it is the honest to goodness truth. Being independent, when I get in the spurts of cleaning and making my home presentable to others, I am truly in my happy place because it is a task I can be proud of..

Autism News

Intellectual Disability Won’t Stop Couple From Marrying

by Pam McLoughlin, New Haven Register/TNS | October 19, 2021 NEW HAVEN, Conn. — Sam Shwartz has an intellectual disability that requires help with life skills, but that didn’t stop him from getting down on one knee with a shiny diamond ring to pop the question to Kara Anglim in front of friends at Chapel Haven… Continue reading Intellectual Disability Won’t Stop Couple From Marrying

Autism News

Public Comment Sought On Nation’s Autism Plan

Members of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee meet in 2014 in Bethesda, Md. (Isaac Kohane/Flickr) Federal officials are looking for feedback from the public as a key panel works to update the government’s autism agenda for the first time in years. The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, a group of government officials and members of the… Continue reading Public Comment Sought On Nation’s Autism Plan

Yough River Looking Upstream in 2021
Healthy Lifestyle, Holistic Health, Independence, Wellness

Wellness Wednesday: Keeping Up The Fight

Back to the wellness department, I honestly have to say in both regards of physical and mental wellness the fight has been hard to keep burning. I know it is the right thing to do, but the inner voices keep thinking that going off-course would be a better idea, although I mentally revisit the points that don’t make it so good.

#Hire Autistic Adults, Employment

NDEAM: The Benefits of Having an Autistic Employee

Being autistic, I have worked in many capacities at most points since I was 18 years old. At some intervals prior, I was volunteering in my community. My parents instilled being autistic was not an excuse to be a couch potato. I needed to do something in my life, no matter if it was only part-time, I was not to be stagnant in the house or be attracted to the computer full-time.

Highlands Hospital in 2017
Adulting, Independence

Adulting: Phobias of Needles

Autistics have multiple phobias of doing things mainly brought forth by induced anxiety. Throughout childhood, this fear resonated deep within me and even today I have some unquenched fears before getting an injection or blood draw. However, I have slowly understood that these events are a necessary function of life that must be undertaken for my health.

Me and My Parents on WCCC Graduation Night
Dignity & Respect, Education, Open Topic

Family and Ally Voices DO Matter

In the past few years the hashtag and theme of #actuallyautustic have been more present than ever. While for decades the voices of autistics have been dialed down. We must remember that autistics come from many walks of life and sometimes need the voice and support of their family and/or related allies in one’s journey. Therefore, I feel it is important that all voices in one’s journey may need to be heard.

Allegheny Portage Picnic Area Shelter
Healthy Lifestyle, Wellness

Wellness Wednesday: Just Like Starting Over

I just don't understand why every week I am presented with challenges about being accountable to the scale at the weight loss meeting and the need of understanding the dynamics of how food results in what you weigh. Being too judgemental can be detrimental in ensuring that a weigh-in is successful no matter the outcome along with the need to be actually trying to lose weight.